Selasa, 10 April 2012

love letter for aisha

dear aisha
i love you
you are so cute
i love you so very much
i love you

love hilya

anak2 umi ^^

umi sayang anak2 umi
love, liebe, sarange

mas akhtar sudah besar, umi


kalo mas akhtar makan sambel...
pakai baju sendirrri...
makan sendirrri...
mandi sendirrri...

mas akhtar bilang gini ke umi....
"mas akhtar sudah besar umiii..."
"sudah bisa sendirri..."

anak umi sdh besar....

now i am a big boy, umi
yes you are my dear
i can do all by myself
yes you do...
i am happy for you
deep in my heart...
you will always be my baby, dear

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

bebi-walkernya ade aisha

ade aisha dapet hadiah dari abi....
bebi-walker warna pinky....

makasih y abi....
ade aisha seneng banget...

Kamis, 05 April 2012

tangan-kaki mungil anak2 umi

My Handprints

There used to be so many
Of my finger prints to see
On furniture and walls and things
From sticky, grubby me.
But if you stop and think awhile
You’ll see I’m growing fast
These little moments disappear
You can’t bring back the past.

So here is a small reminder
To keep, not throw away
Of tiny hands and how they looked
To make you smile someday.

 mas daffa
(9 years old, next june)

mba hilya
(8 years old, next september)

mas fahd
(6 years old, next june)

I miss you when we're not together
I'm growing up so fast
See how big I've gotten
Since you saw me last?
As I grow, I'll change a lot,
The years will fly right by.
You'll wonder how I grew so quick
When and where and why?
So look upon
this handprint   (these handprints)
That's hanging on your wall.
And memories will come back of me,
When I was very small.

mas akhtar
(5 years old, next november)

ade aisha
(1 year old, next november)

Footprint Poem
The pitter patter of little feet
Leave behind something dear and sweet
A precious treasure for me to keep
The memories of your little feet.

(poems: DLTK's sites)
 abi umi will always love you, my kids  ^^

Minggu, 01 April 2012

28 MARET 2012

foto2 ade aisha ini...
umi ambil tgl 28 maret...
tahun 2012...

ade aisha sdh hampir 5 bln umi...
sdh banyak bisanya...
sdh banyak maunya....

sdh bisa tengkurep...
sdh bisa ngelepeh obat...
sdh bisa teriak...
sdh bisa marah cama umiii....
sdh bisa main lidah...
sdh bisa ketawa ngakak, umiii....

gemes deh umiii...

yg sehat y sayang...
umi sayang ade aisha ^^